Real transformation expertise for your business: Our experts provide an insight into their real-life experience. In the interview clips, they describe challenging cases from their day-to-day consulting work - and explain how they were able to develop mediating, creative and pragmatic solutions.
A new interview will be published on this page every Tuesday.
Restructuring in a European context
Dr. Oliver Grimm and Jonas Bloch report on how they were among the first in Germany to successfully restructure an internationally active company using the new EU Mobility Directive.
Labor law in the Health Care sector
Alexander Steven explains what makes the health care sector unique from a labor law perspective, highlighting the key issues and emphasizing the importance of the topic at vangard | Littler.
Automation of work processes
Stephanie Koch reports on how a hotel chain tackled the shortage of skilled workers by automating certain work areas - and how it managed to successfully keep the existing workforce on board.
Mediation for resolving conflicts in negotiations
Christoph Kaul reports on how he was able to use mediation techniques to get the disputing parties back to the negotiating table in an emotional conflict between the personnel management and the chair of the works council.
Company pension scheme for restructuring measures
Tobias Berdesinski explains how the restructuring of a company pension scheme led to class action lawsuits - and how vangard | Littler was still able to keep on top of things.
Successful negotiation in restructuring processes
Insa Ritter and Dennis Lüers share how they were able to successfully implement a restructuring project in a company through skillful negotiation, despite initial resistance within the workforce.
Establishment of informal and alternative employee representations
Dr. Stefan Röhrborn explains how the establishment of informal and alternative employee representation can contribute to fostering a positive relationship between company management and the workforce.
International restructuring projects
Christoph Crisolli explains the strategic, legal, and cultural aspects that had to be addressed in the international sale of a company division. Additionally, it becomes evident how crucial the role of communication is, especially in such cases.
AI & labor law
Pia Papke and Jan-Ove Becker discuss the opportunities and risks that the use of artificial intelligence presents for companies. Furthermore, they explain how they always manage to provide consultation that is at the forefront of developments.
Incentivization in private equity companies
Dr. Esther Dehmel and Dr. Matthias Sandmaier describe the options available to private equity firms when it comes to providing meaningful motivation for employees in unprofitable companies.
Automated document creation in the context of restructuring
Sebastian Juli and Sabrina Dreßen describe how they relieved the HR department of a large fashion company by generating a large number of document sets automatically in the context of a restructuring process.
Creative design of operating structures
Dr. Antje Peterhänsel explains the far-reaching effects that remote working and matrix organizations can have on the operational structures of a company - and when it is time to formally adapt the operational structures to the actual decision-making structures.
Global employment law advice from a single source
Dr. Thomas Griebe and Matthias Pallentin report how they helped a US company to set up offices throughout Europe in record time while the COVID pandemic was causing a global state of emergency.
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